When the entire world turns another way, are we willing to stick with Jesus?

We will be going through parts of the book of Daniel and studying the stand that he and his friends made even while in the middle of a pagan culture.

We would love to have you join us! And start praying for camp! We desire that there would be fruit, much fruit, and fruit that remains.

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What is youth camp?

Five days, two hundred students, and God Himself! Come out and join us in a week-long youth camp that emphasizes above all the simple teaching of the Word of God. It is our heart that it would be more than just a week away from home, but a time invested getting to know God and allowing Him to speak into our lives. 

Mornings are spent in worship and listening to teaching from local Calvary Chapel pastors. In the afternoon you will play massive games with everyone at camp, hang out, swim, and fellowship together! Then you’ll gather again in the evening for more worship and an evening teaching to cap off the day.

Who is invited?

We encourage churches from all around the Midwest USA to be active in our youth camp!

The nondenominational Calvary Chapel puts together the event for Calvary Chapel youth around the Midwest, but you don’t have to be a Calvary to attend. If your church does not have a youth pastor, leader, even youth group, we still encourage you to inquire about sending your teens to camp!  There are usually groups willing to “adopt” your student for the week!

Contact us with any questions or information you may have about camp. We do reserve the right to deny application.

An average day at camp:


  • Breakfast
  • Session
  • Break
  • Session


  • Lunch
  • All-Camp Mania (games)
  • Free time


  • Dinner
  • Session
  • Concert (one night)
  • Youth group discussion
  • Bed


Have a question or a comment? Shoot us a message! We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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